Nicole Blackwell

Nicole Blackwell


Cocktails for Mommy started out as a food blog back in 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia. We were originally call Eating Atlanta: Kid's Edition, and I wrote the blog with the help with my two young children. My husband and I have always dragged our children all over trying to find the best "kid friendly" yet still high quality places to eat. With that our children (sometimes very loudly) voiced their opinion (good or bad) of the restaurant, the food, the server, or all three. So I began posting reviews until we moved to the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

We continued to explore Texas for restaurants to review. But it wasn't long before my children got just a little bit older and more interested in their friends and soccer than the blog. Kids!

But they weren't the only ones with a new hobby. Until moving to Texas, I had never had a Craft Cocktail other than an Espresso Martini. After trying a Bee's Knees I knew I was hooked on Craft Cocktails. And it wouldn't be long before I would be writing about drinks.

In 2017, Cocktails for Mommy replaced the old blog, and I finally learned how to Instagram.

In 2021, the family and I returned to Atlanta… where it all began.

When I'm not drinking, I live the "Soccer Mom" life, enjoy Moms' Night Out, Volunteering, or Going Out to Eat with the family.

Perhaps I'll see you see you out and about!


Nicole Blackwell